Coronavirus: las fábricas de iPhone y Samsung cierran después de que los trabajadores infectados con el virus mortal

Las fábricas de suministros de Samsung y Apple se vieron obligadas a cerrar en Corea del Sur debido al brote de coronavirus Covid-19, según los informes.

La producción de teléfonos inteligentes y componentes se detuvo en las instalaciones de Gumi, ubicadas en un área donde se ha confirmado la mayoría de los casos de coronavirus en el país.

El cierre de Samsung afectará la producción de los últimos teléfonos Galaxy Z Flip y Galaxy S20 de la compañía, aunque aún no está claro si la fecha de lanzamiento se retrasará.

LG Innotek, que suministra módulos de cámara para iPhones, dijo que cerraría su fábrica de Gumi hasta el martes mientras se desinfecta, informó Reuters.

Esta es la segunda vez en las últimas semanas que Samsung cierra una instalación para evitar la propagación del virus mortal.

Last week, an employee at the Gumi complex tested positive for coronavirus, forcing a temporary closure of the production plant. Colleagues of the infected employee were placed in self-quarantine by the world's biggest smartphone maker.

A Samsung spokesperson told L'indépendant there would be "no impact on production" following the first closure. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the latest shut down.

The South Korean tech giant also cancelled a ground-breaking ceremony for its new $220 million research and development centre in Vietnam due to coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

Apple has already warned investors that it does not expect to hit quarterly earnings targets as a result of the outbreak limiting the production of iPhones.

“Our first priority – now and always – is the health and safety of employees, supply chain partners, customers and the communities in which we operate," stated a note to investors.

There have been close to 90,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus around the world, with more than 3,000 deaths. The vast majority have been in China, where the virus originated, however South Korea is the second-worst affected country.

South Korean President Moon-Jae-in said his government "has adequate ability and confidence to control and manage the spread of the infectious disease".

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